Lowest Mkt Cap
#48 of 49
$2.6 B
Highest CAGR
#1 of 49
67.2 %
AR can be used in to improve surgical outcomes by providing real-time visual guidance to surgeons. AR can also be used to train medical professionals in a simulated environment and to reduce patient anxiety by providing immersive experiences. AR is being explored as a way to assist individuals with visual impairments by providing audio and visual cues in real time.
0 FDA approvals in Augmented Reality (AR)
Investor sentiment
Global Market InsightsMay 2021
"...The global AR market is expected to grow at a CAGR of over 30% during the forecast period 2021-2027, driven by the increasing adoption of AR in medical education, surgical visualization, and patient care, and the growing demand for AR-based medical training and simulation."
Market Research FutureMay 2021
"...The global AR and VR market is expected to reach $4.4 billion by 2027, driven by the increasing adoption of AR and VR technologies in medical education, surgical planning, and patient care, and the growing demand for immersive and interactive medical training and simulation."
Sector leaders
AccuVein Inc., a global leader in vein visualization technology, announced that it has successfully raised $22.5 million in an equity financing round to support the continued expansion of the vein illumination market. AccuVein's AR technology is designed to aid professionals in finding veins in a patient's body and will help in reducing the number of missed or difficult sticks, increasing patient satisfaction, and improving patient outcomes.
DAQRI is developing AR wearable technology that could be used in medical settings to visualize and interact with 3D anatomical models, leading to improved accuracy and patient outcomes. Additionally, the technology could be used for remote assistance and training for professionals.
EchoPixel is using AR and 3D imaging to help physicians better visualize and interact with medical images, such as CT and MRI scans. This technology can lead to improved patient outcomes by enabling physicians to make more informed diagnoses and treatment decisions.